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Writer's pictureBrenda Rodríguez

Contraceptives and hormones. Does any random contraceptive will help controlling acne?

Contraceptives and hormones. Leaving the contraceptive pill will only affect your skin if you have a tendency to acne. Avoid those low levels of estrogen and any other method involving low estrogen concentration. A pill that contains a form of progesterone high in androgenic hormones; they stimulate more acne. So talk to your doctor(s) for a contraceptive option that does not stimulate your acne. The pill options that can improve your acne are Yaz, Ortho-Tricyclen and Estrostrep. But it will be your doctor who can recommend a suitable one for you. It should contain at least 1. 0.035 mg/35 mcg of estrogen (typically ethinyl estradiol), and 2. a progestin with low androgenic effect. Such as, norethindrone, northyndrone acetate, ethynodiol diacetate, desogestrel, norgestimate, and drospirenone. “Birth Control For Acne” PRINT THIS Norplant, Depo-Provera shots and the Mirena IUD cause acne to be activated because they contain only 1 single hormone (progesterone) instead of containing a combination of estrogen / progesterone.

Do you want to quit the pill? Try spironolactone, which removes excess testosterone from the bloodstream that causes acne. Polycystic ovarian syndrome outbreaks are caused by high levels of testosterone, which can be controlled with a low-carb and high-protein diet along with Aldactone. (espironolactona). PRO TIP: When you are stressed, your hormones fluctuate, which leads to increased sebum secretion. This can cause a new lesion to form and worsen the pimples you already have. Intensive exercise will help you burn anger and tension while boosting your endorphins. So you may relax! The adrenal gland promotes oil production, which leads to the obstruction of the pores; in individuals prone to acne, stress stimulates the adrenals. If you are experiencing a breakout, it may be due to a recent rise in stress in your life. For a long-term solution, you may need to change your lifestyle. Relax with a guided meditation (our favourites are the free "Calm" and "Stop, Breathe & Think" apps), the hatha yoga class, the Epsom salt bath or relaxation massage, which are great for reducing stress. Fatigue causes an increase in the hormone cortisol that causes acne, but a good night’s sleep helps the body (including the skin) to repair itself. You cannot underestimate the importance of 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep, every night, for both your skin and your overall well-being. KAL Magnesium glycinate is a supplement that, taken at bedtime, promotes relaxation and helps to reconcile sleep. If you use a contraceptive method, check if the hormones you are taking are causing your rhythm increase. Look for the ingredients on the product website, click on “Complete Product Information” or “Insertion for the patient”, then scroll down to “Dosage Forms and Concentrations” and it will tell you how much and what type of progesterone and estrogen your pill contains. Compare the ingredients with the contraceptive brochure. Does your contraceptive method contain a “bad” progesterone (causing acne) or is the estrogen too low to counteract it? If you are taking a contraceptive method that causes acne, it may be the cause of your acne. Consider switching to one of the contraceptive pills on our “good” list. Remember: Meditation, yoga and massages reduce stress-related acne. Try the meditation apps to reduce stress (we like the 5-30 minute guided body scan of “Calm” and the shorter meditations of “Stop, Think and Breathe”). Commit to sleeping 7 to 9 hours continuously every night, even if that means going to bed earlier. If you have trouble sleeping, try taking a warm Epsom salt bath just before bedtime, then read something relaxing for 15 minutes as your temperature drops again (this will induce sleep). If you still have trouble sleeping, KAL magnesium glycinate supplements promote relaxation, so you should take a dose 30 minutes before going to bed.

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